Hello 👋,

I'm Rauf

A Passionate Full-stack developer

About me

About me

If You’re Wondering who I am....

I'm Rauf, a 23 years old Enthusiast Full-Stack developer, from Rwanda.

After my academic A level completion I became curious about software development so I continued my bachelor degree studies in "Business Information Technology" where I was taught alot different Programming languages, system designs and databases. I am a self-motivated and fully engaged developer who likes to solve problems.

I always want to learn more, do more and be more. I'm also a firm believer that we learn by doing and that we should never settle. I'm hard working, super curious, passionate, committed,and also a good leaner!

My current stack of technologies/languages is :

html5 - css3 - javascript - nodejs - expressjs - firebase - sass - reactjs



Check What I've been doing Lately

Rauf Portofolio

This very website you’re now watching. It details alot about me as a developer and my current project I worked on. It is built using html, css and javascript also it uses firebase for storing information.

html5 - css3 - javascript - firebase

My Diary

This is a web app. It helps users keep their daily memory and activities into one place. this project was created with the use of both frontend and backend technologies

html5 - css3 - javascript - nodejs - expressjs - postgreSql


This is web app that helps citizens votes their candidates running for a certain government, local or federal position. this project implements both front and backend technologies/ stacks.

html5 - css3 - javascript - PostgreSql - expressJs

Plan It

Plan It a web application that help users plan the activities they plan to do and remind them. This application is build on reactJs, redux and bootstrap.

bootstrap - firebase - reactJs


Books is a website application that use the google-books api to provide users with the easy way to search for books. It is build using ReactJs.

Reactjs - Api

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Full-stack developer